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  • Customer Testimonails

    Stacy Shofner Williams knew how to weave 'Of Shadow and Ash' to the right climax with enticing mystery, clues and even scary elements of ghosts, nightmares as well as frightening creatures...This book must not be overlooked by fantasy fans.

    Lit Amri Readers' Favorite
  • Customer Testimonails

    Of Shadow and Ash is a beautiful debut fantasy novel, that takes you on a journey through a whole new world with so many unexpected twists that for every question you get answered a plethora of new ones spring up to take their place.

    Melanie Nerd Girl Official
  • Customer Testimonails

    I found this book to be compelling and very original every step of the way. It begins with a mystery and sucks you into a very disturbing landscape that keeps you on your feet throughout the whole story.

    Stacie Love of Books